Boston gynecomastia specialists gynecomastia vs. chest fat
Gynecomastia in Obesity

Boston Gynecomastia Specialists

This would be great if it were true but unfortunately this common myth is not true. When you lose weight, you will have a reduction of fat but the breast gland enlargement, or gynecomastia does not disappear and in fact may become even more obvious as the fat around the gland is reduced but the actual appearance of gynecomastia is unchanged. You can make a case that in some cases it looks worse because as the man may be in much better shape after losing weight, his gynecomastia is more noticeable and out of place.

Obesity is a general health hazard and weight loss is ideal for all overweight men considering gynecomastia surgery. Optimal results are achieved when the patient is at or close to ideal BMI (Body Mass Index) . More importantly, living with a healthy weight has enormous health benefits for life; less heart disease, hypertension, high cholesterol, and some cancers along with improved quality of life. Many post-surgical gynecomastia patients lose weight and get into the best shape of their lives. The motivation of having a nice chest makes it easier to diet and exercise and see the true benefits of your efforts without gynecomastia causing self-consciousness and disappointment.

The only way to treat gynecomastia is with a surgical male breast reduction or male breast gland removal procedure as performed by Dr Edwin Ishoo at the Boston Gynecomastia Specialists to remove the enlarged breast gland  and contour the chest fat to create a more defined masculine. No more female-like breasts or puffy nipples to ruin your day. Diet, exercise, and medications will not resolve your gynecomastia. We all would like to control our gynecomastia destiny without anyone’s help. Still, the reality is that a highly experienced plastic surgeon can be the key to your new gynecomastia-free life.