Boston Gynecomastia Specialists is the premier Gynecomastia surgery in the Greater Boston area. Dr. Edwin Ishoo has years of experience in the treatment of all grades of gynecomastia, from mild to severe and is able to answer all your questions and recommend the best treatment for your specific condition.
We prioritize education over sales. Dr. Ishoo conducts a detailed assessment of each individual’s unique condition, life situation and realistic expectations before formulating the optimal treatment plan. Book a consultation by filling out our initial consultation or contact form below, and one of our patient coordinators will be more than happy to book you in.
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We understand that the prospects of having surgery can be exciting but also sacry. If you have a question about our process, the possible treatment in general or you would like to find out more about how we can help you, we have provided answers below to some of the frequently asked questions which may help you get started in your journey to your transformation with us.
Understanding Gynecomastia
What is gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is a medical condition in which there is an abnormal growth of breast tissue in males, resulting in enlarged breasts. This can be caused by a hormonal imbalance,
The primary cause of gynaecomastia is an imbalance in the hormones testosterone and estrogen. Gynaecomastia can be brought on by several factors, including puberty, ageing, pharmaceuticals (such as antidepressants, anabolic steroids, or testosterone), substance misuse (alcohol or narcotics), certain medical problems (such as renal failure or hyperthyroidism), and even fat. The syndrome is caused by overproduction or greater sensitivity to estrogen, which encourages breast tissue development.
Besides a noticeable increase in breast size and fullness, some men with gynecomastia may experience breast tenderness or pain. Skin irritation, chafing and even infection can occur due to excess breast tissue and skin. Less commonly, there may be nipple discharge in one or both breasts.
What are the effects gynecomastia on men?
- Low self esteem
- Depression
- Social embarrassment
- Not able to enjoy beach holidays
- Personal, marital and sex life
Who is most at risk for gynecomastia, and is it common?
What are “puffy nipples” caused by?
‘Puffy Nipples’ occur as a result of a buildup of breast glandular tissue right behind the nipple. This increased bulk puts pressure on the areolar skin and causes it to stretch and enlarge.
There is a condition called ’tuberous breast’, which is actually more common in females, but can also occur in men. A tuberous breast will generally have a larger than normal, ‘puffy’ nipple areolar complex, often with thinned out areolar skin which bulges outward, thus giving a ‘puffy’ appearance. With a ‘tuberous breast’, the appearance of ‘puffy nipples’ could occur with little or no underlying gynecomastia.
What distinguishes gynaecomastia from pseudogynecomastia?
Gynaecomastia is the expansion of glandular and fatty tissue in the male breasts brought on by hormonal abnormalities. Pseudogynecomastia, on the other hand, results from fat buildup alone—a glandular enlargement is not involved. Pseudogynecomastia is common in overweight or obese men and may be treated with weight reduction and exercise, whereas gynecomastia may require medical therapy or surgery to address glandular tissue.
The term Pesudo-gynecomastia is generally used to describe a diffuse fatty breast enlargement of the male chest that contains absolutely ‘no breast tissue’. In Dr. Ishoo’s experience, this condition is quite rare. When examined carefully, essentially all cases of breast enlargement (including overweight patients) seen by Dr. Ishoo will have a “gritty” feeling to the affected tissue which is quite similar to the way a female breast feels, and quite different from the texture of normal subcutaneous fat. Following liposuction of this tissue, there are almost always at least some scattered areas containing strands of residual fibrous stromal breast tissue which is similar to the subareolar fibrous tissue.
Also, there is no known physiologic or anatomic explanation of why the male body would create such a targeted deposition of bilateral ‘chest fat’ in the exact distribution of the female breasts.
Finally, although female breast is certainly a fatty organ, but no one would ever suggest that it is just a large deposition of fat and not a breast.
What are the stages of gynecomastia?
Gynecomastia is typically classified into four stages based on the degree of breast tissue development:
- Stage 1: There is a small amount of breast tissue present, and the condition is often referred to as “pseudogynecomastia” because it is caused by an accumulation of fat rather than breast tissue.
- Stage 2: There is a moderate amount of breast tissue present, and the nipple may begin to puff out slightly.
- Stage 3: There is a significant amount of breast tissue present, and the nipple and areola may begin to enlarge.
- Stage 4: There is a large amount of breast tissue present, and the breast may resemble the breast of a female.
Can Gynecomastia Go Away on Its Own?
In some cases, gynecomastia resolves naturally, especially in teenagers experiencing puberty. If caused by temporary hormonal fluctuations, it may disappear without treatment. However, persistent cases linked to medication, lifestyle, or health conditions often need medical evaluation and possible treatment to fully resolve.
Is Gynecomastia Permanent?
Gynecomastia is not always permanent. Hormonal imbalances or temporary factors, like puberty, can cause it to resolve on its own. However, when the condition persists or is linked to glandular growth, it often requires medical or surgical intervention to be corrected.
Is gynecomastia dangerous?
Gynecomastia, or the abnormal growth of breast tissue in males, is not typically considered to be dangerous. However, it can cause physical discomfort and embarrassment and affect self-esteem. In some cases, it can be a symptom of an underlying medical condition that requires further evaluation and treatment.
In rare cases, the breast tissue may be hard or painful. This could indicate a breast tumour, which requires further evaluation and treatment. It’s important to consult a doctor if you notice any changes in your breast tissue, such as a hard lump or pain.
Can Weight Loss Reverse Gynecomastia?
No. Unfortunately, weight loss will not resolve gynecomastia as it is caused by glandular growth (not fat deposits). The enlarged breast tissue will not be affected by weight loss so there is no way to “work off” the enlarged male breasts.
How is gynecomastia diagnosed?
A detailed medical history and discussion of symptoms are essential for accurate diagnosis.Physical diagnosis of gynecomastia involves chest palpation. Your doctor will do a “Pinch Test” as part of the physical assessment. You will be asked to lie on your back while the doctor uses his forefinger and thumb to examine the breast tissue. Doctors do this to check for a concentric, rubbery or firm mass of disk-shaped tissue, which is often movable (not fixed) and located directly beneath the areola. If the doctor finds such a tissue, then it’s an indication of true gynecomastia palpated. If not, then it is pseudogynecomastia.
Additional work-up may include blood tests and imaging studies to rule out underlying causes.
Suitability for Gynecomastia Surgery
Who is a candidate for gynecomastia correction surgery?
Men who have a chest that is disproportionately large from some combination of fat or glandular tissue. This process can be normal in adolescents and subside by the late teens. But surgery can be done on mid-teens if the deformity is so severe that in consultation with the patient’s pediatrician it is agreed that the patient would benefit from male breast reduction surgery.
The best way to determine if you are a suitable candidate for male breast reduction surgery is to consult with a qualified and experienced surgeon. They will be able to evaluate your medical history and current condition, as well as your goals for the surgery.
In general, you may be a good candidate for male breast reduction surgery if you meet the following criteria:
- You are in good physical and mental health
- You have realistic expectations for the surgery
- You have a significant amount of breast tissue that causes discomfort, embarrassment or affects your self-esteem
- You have tried non-surgical options such as weight loss or hormone therapy without success
- You are not planning on significant weight loss in the future
- You are not taking medications or using recreational drugs that may contribute to gynecomastia
What are the most important factors to consider when deciding whether or not to get gynecomastia?
The key issue is whether it bothers a patient enough to be worth undergoing surgery. The indication for treating gynecomastia is that it is causing you an image problem. Do you feel your clothes are tight in your chest? If you are sweating does your shirt cling to your nipples? Is the contour of your chest as nice as it should be relative to the rest of your body? Usually men will also talk about being embarrassed to take their shirt off at the beach, their shirt clinging too tightly to their chest and looking odd when working out, and puffiness developing in the nipples, particularly when their nipples are warm.
What are the benefits of gynecomastia surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction, can provide several benefits, including:
- Improved physical appearance: The surgery can remove excess fat and breast tissue, resulting in a flatter, more masculine chest.
- Increased self-esteem and confidence: Many men who have gynecomastia feel self-conscious and embarrassed about their appearance. Surgery can help to improve their self-esteem and confidence in their appearance.
- Relief from physical discomfort: Men with gynecomastia may experience physical discomfort or pain in the breast area. Surgery can provide relief from these symptoms.
- Improved quality of life: Gynecomastia can have a negative impact on a man’s physical, emotional and social life. Surgery can help to improve the quality of life by addressing the physical and emotional concerns caused by the condition.
- Better fitting clothing: Men with gynecomastia may have difficulty finding clothing that fits properly. Surgery can help to improve their ability to find clothing that fits and flatters their body shape.
- Long-lasting results: The surgery typically produces long-lasting results and can help to achieve a more masculine and contoured chest, and improve overall self-image.
Are there any nonsurgical treatments for gynecomastia?
Losing weight and exercising can help overweight men, though it doesn’t necessarily cure gynecomastia.
For mild cases, treating gynecomastia without surgery may be possible. Hormonal imbalances can sometimes be corrected with medications or lifestyle changes. If the condition is caused by the use of anabolic steroids or certain prescription medications, discontinuing them may reduce enlarged male breast tissue. Lifestyle changes, such as weight loss, may also help if adipose tissue is contributing to breast enlargement.
Medications that have been used to treat gynecomastia are usually used off-label, which means that they have not been approved by the FDA for this use. If you want or need treatment, your healthcare provider can walk you through your options. These include:
- Dopamine agonists: These include medications like bromocriptine (Parlodel) and cabergoline, which may help manage high prolactin levels.
- Selective estrogen receptor modulators (SERMs): Tamoxifen, one type of SERM, helps lower the amount of estrogen in the breast tissue. So it can also help treat gynecomastia. Raloxifene (Evista) may also be an option.
- Androgens: DHT may help treat symptoms caused by little-to-no testosterone in your body. However, there’s not a lot of supporting evidence for their use.
Aside from medications, the most effective and definitive way to correct true gynecomastia permanently is through surgery. But whether surgery, like medication, is an option will depend on your situation. Talk to your primary care provider and Dr. Ishoo for more personalized advice.
If I am overweight can I have gynecomastia surgery?
Many patients undergoing gynecomastia surgery are overweight. Ideally, surgery should be done at the weight a patient is most comfortable maintaining because it allows the plastic surgeon to contour the chest out to the surrounding areas so that it blends most beautifully.Obviously it is much healthier and contour is better if a patient loses weight on their own. Surgery cannot make someone look as good as they would look with their own weight loss. But even with weight loss, oftentimes some excess chest fat remains, and so overweight men often still want to have surgery on their chest after they have lost weight.
Finally, it is important that when men are overweight that only enough is removed from their chest to make it proportional with the abdomen. There is a tendency among patients and plastic surgeons to remove as much as possible, but when the chest is made much less prominent than the abdomen, this does not look good. And this can become even worse if the patient loses weight after their gynecomastia surgery.
Surgical Treatment Options
Which type of surgery is best for my Gynecomastia?
Some patients just need liposuction or breast gland excision and some need a combination of the two. There are two types of tissue that can be responsible for the enlargement of male chests. In true gynecomastia, the cause of the chest enlargement is purely glandular tissue. This is a very firm and rubbery tissue, and it cannot be removed by liposuction; it must be excised. On the other extreme there can be just a localized excess of fat. Fat is easily removed with liposuction and thus liposuction is the choice.
Some patients have a combination of both. Men that are very thin will rarely have fat and thus won’t need liposuction. Men that are overweight will invariably need liposuction. Steroid use causes the development of firm tissue that requires excision.
Will liposuction alone work to treat gynecomastia?
When the tissue is soft and just fatty, then liposuction is the ideal treatment. But pure glandular breast tissue is too dense to be removed by liposuction and must be surgically cut away. There are some cases in which the problem seems to mostly be fat because no firm mass can be felt before surgery. But after doing the liposuction, gradually the firm area emerges like an almond in the center of a melting chocolate bar. In some situations there is a combination of fat and glandular tissue, but the patient may opt to just do the liposuction, accepting that the result will not be as complete but preferring to have a slightly easier recovery. In such situations, the gynecomastia may be more prominent after reduction of the fat surrounding the enlarged breast glands.
Is there a problem with removing as much fat as possible?
Whether fat or gland, the goal of good gynecomastia surgery is the restoration or creation of a nice contour to the chest. While there is often the desire by both the patient and surgeon to remove as much as possible, in actuality it is normal for there to be some glandular tissue beneath the areola and some fat throughout the chest. The goal should be to create just a normal configuration, which means removal of the bulge and creation of a smooth contour. A complicating issue is that the chest looks different when the arms are at the sides than when they are raised above the head. Just try raising your arms now and you will look a lot flatter. Sometimes when the chest is made to look flat with the arms at the side there can be a bit of a depression deep to the areola when the arms are raised above the head.
Are the results of Gynecomastia surgery permanent?
Gynecomastia patients are warned about the possibility of it coming back. But after performing a great number of gynecomastia cases, the only cases Dr. Teitelbaum has seen reoccur were in men who went onto anabolic steroids after surgery. There have been cases in which a decision was made to just do liposuction and not excision in which the patient later wished that excision would have been done. That is why a careful preoperative assessment and discussion with the patient are so important.
Can I have other procedures done at the same time?
It is safe and common to perform other procedures at the same time as gynecomastia. The most common would be liposuction of the stomach or love handles.
What form of anesthesia will be used for my procedure?
The surgical procedures performed by Dr Ishoo at our office are performed under local or tumesent anesthetic which provides complete numbness and comfort during the procedure without the risk or prolonged recovery associated with general anesthesia.
What are the downsides to having gynecomastia surgery?
The biggest drawback is that there can be some amount of contour irregularity. For men who need a lot of liposuction, particularly out towards the under arm area, there can be some irregularity in contour if the skin isn’t tight enough to snap back. If there is a lot of fat in the chest itself, there can also be a risk of contour irregularity and waviness, particularly if the skin isn’t particularly tight. The most common area in which men will notice problems is a depression deep to the areola when raising arms above the head. The overwhelming majority of men do not notice these problems and are thrilled with their result. And even if they do notice something, it is usually relatively minor compared with the dramatic improvement that was made for them.
Can you do gynecomastia surgery on teenagers?
Gynecomastia should be considered normal in teenagers. And it goes away most of the time. So when should a teenager consider surgery? Sometimes the severity of the gynecomastia is just too severe to expect the child to live with. Instead of just being a bit full or having a pointy shape, there can be a significant amount of asymmetry, or the chest may develop very much of a breast like shape. Parents might tell from their son’s behavior that it is affecting their self-esteem. They may not want to take their shirt of and swim or go to a pool party. They may avoid playing a sport because they don’t want someone to see their chest in the locker room. Dr. Ishoo frequently helps teenagers with their gynecomastia. In all cases he speaks extensively with the boy, his parents, and the child’s pediatrician.
Gynecomastia Surgery
What happens before gynecomastia surgery?
Before surgery, your provider will discuss your options, goals and medical history. Your provider may recommend some blood tests to evaluate your health and determine what’s causing gynecomastia. Dr. Ishoo does not generally require any pre-operative blood work unless the past medical history suggests a potential problem that may complicate the surgery or recovery.
Dr. Ishoo will examine you during the private consultation, measure your breast tissue and also take photographs of your chest.
You may need to stop taking certain medications, such as blood thinners, prior to surgery. If you smoke, ask your provider about quitting smoking before your procedure. Tobacco use can slow the healing process. You will be instructed to avoid alcohol the night before and eat a light breakfast the morning of the procedure. You should wear loose-fitting clothing when you arrive at the Boston Gynecomastia Specialists.
What happens during gynecomastia surgery?
In some cases, surgeons only use liposuction to remove breast tissue using the VASER ultrasound to soften the fat, followed by Power Assisted Liposuction cannulas through two small holes in the axilla to remove fat. In case you may need a combination of excision and liposuction, excision is then performed to remove the breast glands. This will be done using local anesthesia. That decision will be based upon a patient’s particular anatomy and preference. A small incision is made from about 5-8 O’Clock on the areola and the excess tissue is removed. Drains are placed through the arm pit holes and stitches are placed that will dissolve.
Is gynecomastia surgery painful?
Gynecomastia surgery, also known as male breast reduction, at the Boston Gynecomastia Specialists, is performed safely under local anaesthesia, which means that your chest will be completely numb during the procedure and should not feel any pain. After the surgery, you may experience some discomfort, swelling, and bruising, which can be managed with over-the-counter medication.
During the first few days after the surgery, you may experience some soreness and discomfort, but it should rapidly improve as you heal. Dr Ishoo will give you instructions on how to manage pain and discomfort and minimize the risk of complications.
What are the potential risks and complications of gynecomastia surgery?
As with any surgical procedure, there are risks involved with gynecomastia surgery. Complications include:
- Blood clots or excessive bleeding.
- Breasts that are not the same size or shape.
- Bruises and scarring.
- Chest / nipple-Areolar deformity
- Loss of sensation, numbness or decreased sensitivity in your breast area.
- Pain that doesn’t go away.
All breast reduction procedures leave breast reduction scars. They will fade over time. But may not go away completely.
In some cases, you may need another surgery to correct a problem or help you achieve the results you want. Your surgeon will discuss your options and risks with you.
What happens immediately after gynecomastia surgery?
Gynecomastia surgery at Boston Gynecomastia Specialists is an outpatient procedure, which means you go home the same day. You’ll need to arrange for someone to drive you home after surgery. Dr. Ishoo will provide you with instructions on how to care for yourself that night when you go home.
You’ll have bandages and a compression garment around your chest as you heal. The garment supports your chest and reduces swelling. You make take over-the-counter Tylenol to relieve any discomfort and the antibiotics as prescribed by Dr. Ishoo to lower the risk of infection.
Dr. Ishoo may place thin tubes or drains under your skin during surgery. The tubes drain fluid and blood during the healing process. The fluid collects at the bottom of the tube in a receptacle or bulb. Dr. Ishoo will remove the tubes when you no longer need them, usually the next day.
Post-Operative Recovery Course
How painful is the recovery from male breast reduction surgery?
Men will say that it will feel very sore such as after a big work out or getting punched in the chest. Patients will be given narcotic pain pills, but most men do not need to take them after gynecomastia surgery. It is safe to say that the pain is relatively minor and manageable, even for teenage boys.
Recovery following gynecomastia surgery typically involves a period of rest and limited physical activity. In addition, patients will wear compression garments to minimize swelling and support healing. Most patients can resume normal activities within a few weeks, although full recovery may take several months.
What should I expect during my gynecomastia surgery recovery?
During your gynecomastia surgery recovery period, dressings or bandages will be applied to your incisions and an elastic bandage or support garment may be used to minimize swelling and support your new chest contour as it heals after surgery.
A small, thin tube may be temporarily placed under the skin to drain any excess blood or fluid that may collect.
You will be given specific instructions that may include how to care for the surgical site and drains, medications to apply or take orally to aid healing and reduce the potential for infection, specific concerns to look for at the surgical site or in your general health and when to follow up with Dr. Ishoo.
Will I have a special garment to wear after surgery?
You will have a compression vest with padding and foam underneath it put on in the OR. Remove this after two days, throw away the foam, and just wear the vest. When you are around the house, wear the vest. When you want to leave, put on a tight Under Armour type of shirt or vest. There is no absolute period of time that you need to wear compression, but the more you wear it the faster your swelling will go away. In general men will wear this for about six weeks.
When can I shower?
Dr. Ishoo wants you to keep your initial post-surgical garment on for two days. At that point you can take it off and shower. You should put your compression vest back on after that.
When can I drive?
You can drive when you feel totally unrestricted by your discomfort such that you could make any movement you might need to safely drive your car. This generally requires 3-5 days after surgery depending on your overall physical condition and the extent of surgery performed.
How soon can I go to work?
So long as your work doesn’t involve straining and heavy lifting, you can expect to be back to work about three days after gynecomastia surgery. Some people go back even sooner, and many work from home the next day.
When can I resume exercise after male breast reduction?
It is best to wait about four weeks to go back to the gym, but if you only had liposuction it is okay to work out after about ten days. Dr. Ishoo will monitor your recovery closely and advise you as to when you may resume exercise and to what extent in order to avoid delaying your ultimate recovery.
How long does the swelling last?
Swelling increases after surgery, usually peaking about 5-6 days after gynecomastia surgery. After that, the swelling will subside, rapidly at first, and then gradually. After one month, you’ll think the swelling is gone, but it will still go down more at three months, and even more at six months and even a year, though at that point changes are subtle.
How long does it take to see the final results after gynecomastia surgery?
While initial improvements may be noticeable soon after surgery, it may take several months for swelling to fully resolve and for the final results of gynecomastia surgery to become apparent. Following post-operative care instructions and attending follow-up appointments with the surgeon are crucial for optimizing outcomes.
Does male breast reduction last forever?
All gynecomastia patients are advised that it can come back if the gland was not completely removed. But the only gynecomastia patients in whom Dr. Ishoo has seen it return were men who took anabolic steroids after having inadequate initial gynecomastia surgery. such as doing liposuction but not an excision. Such patients didn’t really have a recurrence of their gynecomastia, but merely need more done.
Which celebrities have had gynecomastia surgery?
Many celebrities have had gynecomastia surgery, but most of them do not publicly disclose it. In general, celebrities do not publicly share their health information and plastic surgery procedures they have undergone. It’s also important to remember that many people have gynecomastia, and not all of them choose to have surgery or to go public with it.
However, some celebrities have been open about their surgery and have spoken publicly about their experience. Some examples include:
- Simon Cowell: The music producer and television personality has been open about his gynecomastia surgery, stating that he had it done to improve his appearance and boost his confidence.
- 50 Cent: The rapper and actor has spoken publicly about his surgery and has said that he had the surgery done to improve his appearance and boost his confidence.
- Jack Osbourne: The television personality has said that he had gynecomastia surgery after losing a significant amount of weight.
- John Travolta: The actor has been open about his surgery and has said that he had it done to improve his appearance and boost his confidence.
Dwayne Johnson “The Rock”: has openly admitted to taking steroids in the early part of his career to help him bulk up. Gynaecomastia has been a constant source of distress for him since he was a young adult. He now appears to have a significantly enhanced chest contour due to having gynecomastia surgery to get rid of his man boobs. This example demonstrates how surgery is the only effective way to get rid of gynecomastia, and gynecomastia does not go away on its own.
What are shortcomings of gynecomastia surgery?
When you raise and lower your arms, you will see that your chest will somewhat smooth out when your arms are up. So if your chest is smooth after surgery when your arms are down, sometimes there can be a bit of a depression when you raise your arms all the way over your head. In some situations – though uncommonly so – there can be a bit of a depression even with the arms down. With gynecomastia surgery, the plastic surgeon is obligated to remove the entire piece of abnormal glandular tissue, no matter how big it is. When large, it may have compressed the normal tissue around it. Dr. Ishoo is experienced at sculpting this tissue. Nonetheless, it is possible to have some bit of a depression in that area. If the skin is loose after a large weight loss, or if there are lots of stretch marks, then the skin may not tighten up well after the gynecomastia tissue is removed. These patients still have a big improvement, but they may not get a chest that is as tight as ideal. If a lot of liposuction needs to be done and the skin isn’t tight, then sometimes some subtle waviness or irregularity in the contour is possible. All in all, these problems are mild when taken in context of the huge improvement of the surgery, but each patient deserves to know going in the likelihood they may have one of these issues.
Funding Gynecomastia Surgery
How much does gynecomastia surgery typically cost?
We offer the lowest prices in the Boston area for true gynecomastia surgery, including excess gland removal, not just liposuction. We are able to keep cost down by avoiding facility and anesthesia fees and include the cost of dressings and compression garments which often add thousands of dollars in additional fees at other providers. Ultimately, the cost of treatment will depend on several factors, including the severity of the condition and the specific surgical approach used to achieve the surgical goal which will be discussed at your consultation.
Is gynecomastia surgery covered by insurance?
Insurance companies vary widely in what they will cover. In recent years Dr. Ishoo has only seen insurance companies cover gynecomastia surgery when it is extremely disfiguring and the man’s chest has a very female breast-like appearance with well established history of causing medical problems such as back pain or suspected of being a malignancy and thus considered “medically necessary”.
Boston Gynecomastia Specialists does not accept insurance; However, you may submit to your insurance for possible reimbursement if you meet eligibility requirements.
Is financing available?
Patients seeking financing options for gynecomastia surgery can explore various credit cards that may offer flexible payment plans tailored to individual needs; However, Boston Gynecomastia Specialists does not offer financing. This allows patients to manage the cost of surgery over time with convenient monthly payments. By utilizing these financing solutions, individuals can undergo gynecomastia surgery without facing a significant financial burden upfront.
Choosing the Boston Gynecomastia Specialists
Why should I choose the Boston Gynecomastia Specialists?
The Boston Gynecomastia Specialists was founded and directed by Dr. Edwin Ishoo, to focus on meeting the needs of men looking for safe, effective and affordable treatment of their Gynecomastia. Dr. Ishoo is a board-certified surgeon with more than 30 years of experience, having performed thousands of procedure for patients from around the country who have sought and continue to seek his expertise to achieve best results, using advanced techniques and state-of-the-art technology.
Dr. Ishoo meets with every patient and performs a personalized consultation during which he offers a treatment plan tailored to each individual’s condition, life-style and expectations.
Our knowledgeable, compassionate and experienced staff is well-versed in supporting the individual requirements of each gynecomastia patient. With a strong emphasis on safety, comforst and confidentiality, we are dedicated to providing complete support throughout the entire treatment process. Join us and experience exceptional care on your journey to life-changing transformation you’ve been waiting for.
What sets the Boston Gynecomastia Specialists apart from other facilities?
At the Boston Gynecomastia Specialists, we emphasize patient education and information, providing comprehensive consultations to discuss treatment options, expectations, and realistic outcomes. Dr. Ishoo utilizes advanced surgical techniques tailored to each patient’s unique anatomy, ensuring natural-looking results with minimal scarring and downtime.
Your procedure will be performed safely and effectively under local anesthesia in our private office, conveniently located in Cambridge, MA with our own off-street parking and close to public transportation. This is also where all your follow-up visits will be scheduled with Dr. Ishoo, avoiding the back and forth between hospital, surgery center and various offices sometimes in different cities far from each other.
Reach out today to schedule your tailored and comprehensive consultation with Dr. Ishoo and not a “sales consultant” to get started on your transformation.
The Boston Gynecomastia Specialists is the premier Greater Boston Gynecomastia Center of Excellence. Our primary focus is on providing outstanding care throughout every step of your journey, from the first consultation to your full recovery. We recognize and appreciate the confidence you have in us and are unwavering in our commitment to maintaining the utmost level of patient care. Led by Dr. Edwin Ishoo, a highly skilled, board-certified surgeon with expertise and over 30 years’ experience in Male Breast Reduction, our dedicated team is fully committed to ensuring the best possible surgical outcomes tailored for each individual. Recognizing that every man is unique, we personalize our approach to meet your specific condition, needs and expectations. We welcome you to take that first step to achieving the transformation you have been imagining and contact the Boston Gynecomastia Specialists, the leading Gynecomastia Center in Boston, to meet with Dr. Ishoo for your personalized, in-person consultation and have your questions answered. Let us take the gynecomastia concern off your chest in a day and off your mind forever!